We are experts in the fields of EBM and HTA. For over 15 years we’ve been conducting the HTA reports as well as training others to carry out these analyses. Since August, 2010 we have been operating under the name “Pracownia HTA”

Our team is composed of experts from the Market Access, EBM and HTA fields with many years of experience. We are all highly educated, ambitious and creative individuals. We are constantly expanding our knowledge with additional courses and workshops. We do not let ourselves fall into a routine and therefore our services stay on the cutting edge.

Magdalena Mrożek-Gąsiorowska, MPH, PhD

Magdalena Mrożek-Gąsiorowska, MPH, PhD

– assistant at Institute Of Public Health, Faculty of Health Science, Jagiellonian University Medical College,
– expert in the fields of EBM and HTA – more than 15 years of experience,
– the author and co-author of many HTA reports,
– co-author of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Guidelines.

Marcin Gąsiorowski

Marcin Gąsiorowski

– expert in the fields of EBM and HTA – more than 15 years of experience,
– the author and co-author of many HTA reports.

Oskar Pankiewicz

Oskar Pankiewicz

– expert in the fields of EBM and HTA – more than 15 years of experience,
– the author and co-author of many HTA reports.